Mission & Ministry Blog

Friday, September 23, 2011

Communication #1 from the Strategic Plan Implementation Group

The new Strategic Plan Implementation Group met together for the first time on Thursday September 22nd.  The Group will meet regularly on the fourth Thursday of the month.  It was agreed that a communication would be sent to the Diocese following each meeting via missionconversations.blogspot.com with a link provided to the site in the Sunday announcements.  The Director for Mission and Ministry will also report regularly to the Diocesan Council and to the whole diocese through the Huron Church News. 

The Group spent much of its first meeting getting to know one another and being updated by The Venerable Richard Salt as to what steps have been taken and what has been accomplished during the first five months of his new ministry to the Diocese. Among many other things Richard reported that he had initiated the Prodigal God Study which will take place widely across the diocese during the six weeks following Thanksgiving and held a clergy day to prepare the clergy for the study; consulted with the Archdeacons and Executive Staff to establish some priorities for the use of financial and time resources;  worked with the Bishop’s and Archdeacons to develop guidelines for motions coming to Diocesan Council regarding the disestablishment, reorganizing and realigning of congregations and parishes; and has started conversations about planning for the future with a number of  congregations.

Later in the meeting the Group spent some time discussing the possible direction for and content of the proposed Lay Leadership Day that will be held in four different locations in the diocese in early 2012.

Finally the group elected John Thorpe as their chair and Paul Knowles as their vice-chair.

1 comment:

  1. A big thank you to all who have agreed to give of their time to this ministry. We had a dynamic day with everyone around the table fully engaged. I am looking forward to where Holy Spirit will lead us as we move forward.



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London, Ontario, Canada
N6A 6H7