Mission & Ministry Blog

Sunday, March 25, 2012

London's Lay Leadship Day

Approximately 180 lay leaders gathered in London yesterday for a day of reflection on what it means to be a lay leader in church today and to discuss strategic planning in the parish. I thought it a great day and invite those who participated to leave their comments on this blog. Click the comment button below. Your comment will not show up immediately but will after a time delay.




  1. At the end of the day, you showed us a short video "God has Called You". Does that happen to be available on YouTube?

  2. Not that I am aware of. It can be purchased at worshiphousemedia.com

  3. I was pleasantly surprised and pleaseed of how well the day was as was not happy to "loose" a Saturday. Having said that I felt we just scratched the surface in terms of lay leaders learning about other parish issues, initiatives ect that were discussed. I'm interested if future meetings will be scheduled or suggestions made during discussion will be act upon. specifically grouping and contecting with parishes with same issues. Also modeling after parishes that seem to be "getting it" and growing. Really feel this should be pursued as quickly as posible after the positive day we had!!! Judy
    Clerk St Columba Waterloo



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The Incorporated Synod of the Diocese of Huron
190 Queens Avenue
London, Ontario, Canada
N6A 6H7