Mission & Ministry Blog

Monday, November 28, 2011

Communication #3 from the Strategic Plan Implementation Group

The Strategic Plan Implementation Group met for the third time on Thursday November 24, 2011.  The group heard a report about the work of the Director for Mission and Ministry.  Final reports are still to come from the sub-groups established to look at the criteria for the distribution of grants and loans and with regard to recommendations to Diocesan Council about the establishment of new columbaria and scattering grounds. 

There was considerable discussion about the subject of congregational development as the SPIG recognizes that the future of the diocese ultimately depends on the health of the local congregations.  A variety of programs and methods for aiding congregational planning were discussed.  Archdeacon Kim Van Allen described the work of the diocesan congregational coaches and their approach to planning using the Appreciative Inquiry method.  Archdeacon Salt explained that the Diocese of Toronto was having some success using the Natural Church Development program in conjunction with Appreciative Inquiry coaching.  Additionally Robert Schnare’s “Five Practices of Fruitful Congregations” was brought forward as a method of assisting congregations in their planning process.  It was agreed that more conversation would be held about this matter but that a variety of approaches would be useful.

Schedules were finalized for the Lay Leadership Days to be held in early 2012 and for the Clergy Day to be held January 19th.  After a lively discussion it was recommended that the Lay Leadership Days be for lay people only.  Schedules for the two days will be posted on this blog separately.  The Lay Leadership Day will be held in four different locations in the Diocese with participants being able to attend the day closest to them.  The day will be held in Windsor on February 11th ; in London on March 24th ; in Waterloo on April 14th and in Clarksburg on May 5th

There was continued discussion about the formation of ordinands and about “Right Person – Right Place” (getting the right people in the right jobs.)  As there was not time to draw these discussions to a conclusion it was agreed that they would be the primary agenda  items for the next meeting.

The group accepted with regret the resignation, due to personal reasons, of Paul Knowles as Vice-chair.  Jane Cartier agreed to act as vice-chair and Archdeacon Salt stated that someone to represent the Waterloo archdeaconry would be recruited and appointed to the SPIG.

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N6A 6H7