Mission & Ministry Blog

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Strategic Planning Implementation Group Meeting 25.10.12

The Strategic Plan Implementation Group met for its monthly meeting on Thursday October 25, 2012.  The following is a summary of what happened at the meeting:

  • The Rev. Karen Kovats has been appointed to the committee and will attend her first meeting in November.  
  • Lay Leadership Days for the winter/spring of 2013 will be held as follows: February 9 at St. Augustine of Canterbury, Windsor; February 23 at Epiphany, Woodstock; April 20 at Church of the Ascension, London and May 4 at a location in the Deanery of the Saugeeens still to be determined.
  • The SPIG is encouraging the Diocese to participate in another diocesan wide book study.  This time the book recommended is "The Celtic Way of Evangelism" by George Hunter III.  The suggested time for the study is the upcoming season of Epiphany.
  • Plans are in place for the Clergy Day October 30th and a schedule for the day is posted on the Mission and Ministry blog.
  • Three members of the group agreed to work with the Director for Mission and Ministry to review parishes strategic plans and make suggestions when they are submitted to to RENEW.  Members who will help of this are Graham Bland, Rich Jones and John Mencel.
  • The group heard updates from Archdeacons Salt and Kammerer regarding the progress being made regarding the human resources goals of the strategic plan.  Of particular interest, the Bishop has appointed The Rev. Gary Nicolosi to chair a Post Ordination Education/Formation Committee. Gary has already given considerable thought to how this process might proceed.  The group passed the following motion:  “At its meeting of October 25th, SPIG appreciated the update from the Ven. Willi Kammerer on the continued discussion of the development of post ordination training  in the Diocese of Huron and applauded the efforts of the Bishops to date. However, we do not want to lose focus on the importance of ongoing training for experienced clergy and suggest that where appropriate, we remain open to the application of post-ordination training modules to benefit experienced clergy.”
  • Concern was expressed that the advertisement that was posted on the diocesan website as a part of the search for an individual to work as the Bishop's Executive Officer seemed to imply that this individual would be responsible for the placement of clerics in parishes.  Archdeacon Willi assured the group that it was the Bishops who made those decisions and encouraged the group to clarify this to those they were talking to if the subject arose.  
  • The Group agreed that it would discuss performance development/appraisal at its next meeting.

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The Incorporated Synod of the Diocese of Huron
190 Queens Avenue
London, Ontario, Canada
N6A 6H7