Mission & Ministry Blog

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Report of SPIG Considering the Matter of: New Scattering Grounds and Columbaria

The sub-group was called together by A & F and SPIG to consider the wisdom of allowing parishes/congregations to establish new scattering grounds and columbaria, creating certain perpetual obligations and commitments of property, in an age where the long-term viability of so many of our churches is uncertain. 
According to government regulation long term obligations include:
·         Scattering grounds must remain consecrated ground for ever as it is impossible to prove that you have removed all of the remains – unless perhaps they were only scattered inside of a concrete box or structure
·         The structure of a columbarium must be maintained intact for perpetuity.  This prohibits the organization from removing the contents to another location although the structure itself could be moved.
·         In both cases money – 15% of the selling price – must be put aside for perpetual care and that care must be provided for whether or not there are sufficient funds.
Another point of interest is that a cemetery can operate at different locations and be required to only place one $100,000 bond with the government to cover multiple locations.
It should also be noted that there is concern that with new government legislation a columbarium may be viewed as a for-profit enterprise and that this might place the church’s non-profit status at risk – particularly in the matter of property tax. 
While a “safe” way forward would be to not allow further development of scattering grounds and columbaria there were pastoral considerations that caused us to look for ways forward.
·         That Diocesan Council not authorize and new scattering ground or columbarium unless they are attached to a well-established cemetery that is believed to have long-term viability.  Under no circumstances should a church building or property without a current cemetery establish a scattering ground or columbarium on its own.
·         That the Diocese through the Lands and Property Sub-Committee of A & F consider establishing, in various locations around the Diocese, parent sites that are already well-established cemeteries to act as locations where columbaria could be moved in the event that a church with a columbarium attached should be closed/sold.
·         That any church establishing a columbarium must have an agreement with one of these parent sites stating that their columbarium could be moved to the parent site in the event of the church being closed or sold.
·         That any ashes placed in these columbariums only be done so after the family involved has signed an agreement that gives permission for the columbarium to be moved should the church be closed/sold.
·         That all columbaria established be of such a size and nature that they are moveable.
·         That a parish wishing to establish a columbarium deposit with the diocese sufficient funds to cover the move of the columbarium should the church be closed/sold.
·         That all parishes establishing a columbarium deposit with the diocese, the money to be set aside for perpetual care.
·         That due to the difficult nature of attempting to decommission a scattering ground that no new scattering grounds be authorized, unless they are a part of the grounds of a well established cemetery.
·         That all of the above be administered by the Lands and Property Sub-committee of the A & F.

Proposed Motion to Diocesan Council:

Moved by:  The Venerable Richard Salt
Seconded by: The Venerable Kim Van Allen
That this Diocesan Council adopt as policy the recommendations of the Report of the SPIG considering the matter of new scattering grounds and columbaria and request The Administration and Finance Committee to implement the recommendations as most practical.

Communication #5 from the Strategic Plan Implementation Group

The Strategic Plan Implementation Group met once again on Thursday February 23, 2012.  The Group heard a report from the Director for Mission and Ministry.  They were excited about the reports of an energizing Lay Leaders Day that was held at All Saints in Windsor on February 11th and about the fact that at the time of the meeting there were already 76 persons signed up for the London Day March 24th.  The group was also pleased to see some of the initiatives of the Strategic Plan starting to come to fruition with two developments at the Diocesan Council Meeting.  First, the Diocesan Council approved the report of the SPIG regarding scattering grounds and columbaria and established its recommendations as Diocesan policy.  This report is being posted as a separate post on this blog.  Secondly, the Diocesan Council received motions regarding the relocation of trust funds of two former parishes from the newly organized Council of Advice and passed motions based on that advice.  The SPIG believes following these procedures in the future will give rise to a more thoughtful relocation of such funds. 
The Group put some final touches on two papers it is presenting to the Diocesan Executive Staff regarding the recruitment and formation of clergy and the wise matching of clergy with congregations during the selection process.  These papers will form a basis for conversation with the Executive Staff and Bishops about these matters.  More detail will be published as the process continues.  In the meantime it can be said that the SPIG felt that the Diocese needs to do more to adequately prepare new clerics for their role.  The Group spent some time identifying the skills that they felt needed to be imparted both to new and to more seasoned clerics.  That work will continue as the Group meets again.
Recognizing that the first year of the implementation of the Strategic Plan is quickly coming to a close the Group spent some time discussing the value of some of the initial initiatives and what initiatives might take place during the second year. While details of a new year are still in the formative stage the Group felt that initiatives taken in the first year needed to be reinforced and carried through in the second year.  It did not see a major shift in direction for the plan.
Finally the Group spent time discussing its presentation to Synod.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Communication #4 from the Strategic Plan Implementation Group

The Strategic Plan Implementation Group met on Thursday January 26, 2012 and once again had a very full agenda.  The Group spent much of the day discussing Human Resource goals as laid out by the Strategic Plan and prepared two documents to forward to the Diocesan Executive Staff as recommendations and the basis for further discussion.  One document dealt with recommendations about the recruitment and formation of clergy while the other made recommendations about the Selection Process that is used to discern God’s leading in the appointment of new rectors.  As these documents and recommendations are further refined more information will be forthcoming to the Diocese. 

The Group heard reports from the Director for Mission and Ministry, a sub-group preparing recommendations regarding the establishment of new scattering grounds and columbaria and a sub-group looking at guidelines for Grants and Loans. 

Some of the highlights of the Director’s Report were:
  •  The Bishops, Archdeacons and Executive Staff of the Diocese have agreed to spend a day in June learning in more depth the Natural Church Development program so that it might become a significant driver of Congregational Development in the Diocese. 
  •  The Clergy Day held January 19th was an opportunity to begin sharing with the clergy some of the aspects of the capital campaign called “Renew.”  It was communicated to the clergy that the campaign would benefit the parishes significantly and that parishes would have the opportunity to develop their own “case” to be attached to the Diocesan and National cases.  Clergy were encouraged to initiate this process of case development locally during the coming weeks and months. 
  •  Plans are progressing for the Four Lay Leadership Days with the previously stated goals and agenda for the day still in place.         
  • Discussions are being held in a variety of places around the Diocese with regard to reorganization of parishes and partnerships in ministry.
The Sub-Group reporting recommendations about future Scattering Grounds and Columbaria was quite concerned both about the liabilities these created for parishes as well as the pastoral need they met.  They concluded that new Scattering Grounds should not be established as they were impossible to decommission.  On the other hand they recommended a possible way forward for parishes wishing to have a columbarium.  Their recommendations are being forwarded to Diocesan Council by SPIG. 

The Sub-Group reporting on Guidelines for Grants and Loans expressed concern that there were only vague guidelines for the dispensing of grants and for the governance of the Huron Development Fund.  They prepared a new draft canon for the Huron Development Fund that will now be sent to the committee on Canons and Constitution for consideration and modification as needed.  

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The Incorporated Synod of the Diocese of Huron
190 Queens Avenue
London, Ontario, Canada
N6A 6H7